Saturday, June 14, 2008

Pantry Perfection At Last!

A big thank you to Lydia at The Perfect Pantry for featuring my pantry----its one of my most favorite areas of our home. If you are visiting my blog from Lydia's site, thank you for coming over and please take a look around...leave a comment or two---I love to read what you have to say.

Here's a photo I took the other day---as I was walking down the hallway into our living room, the sun was coming through the plantation shutters and left these sun streaks on the wall---I think they look like brush strokes of an abstract painting...Free art appearing on our walls every morning! What a deal!


Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) said...

I love to watch the way light plays on the log walls of my house, too. One (non-log) wall of the kitchen, which is filled with paintings by various friends, is painted a kind of golden color. When the morning light hits it, the whole thing glows. Thanks again for sharing your pantry!

Anonymous said...

Nice - you are developing a good abstract eye

- jkp

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