Saturday, June 21, 2008

Zone 7 Envy

I am visiting my parents in North Carolina and have severe garden envy. The area where I am in NC is within Zone 7 of the USDA plant hardiness map. The area where I live is Zone 10. What does this mean? It means I cannot grow beautiful hydrangeas. I love hydrangeas. Here are some photos taken over the past few days.

Dried hydrangeas on the table in the breakfast room. This photo is SOOC (straight out of camera) and not retouched or enhanced in Photoshop. We don't have soft golden morning light like this in Zone 10 either. Darn.

Blush colored hydrangeas are beautiful, too. Manipulating the pH in the soil can change or enhance the color of some hydrangeas.

Tommy the magnificent cat amongst the hydrangeas. More about him another day.

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