Monday, May 25, 2009

Dishing it Out

I love casserole dishes. I'm not talking the all-in-one meal alone---I love casserole dishes---what they are baked in. Now that it is pretty much just the two of us around the house, I am using these oval bakers a lot more. They never held enough for the small army I had to cook for all those years.

Here are my two favorites. The green drip Hull (marked HP Company) has a great lid and is in the oven right now filled with Mac 'n Cheese. The gold lustre baker is just beautiful and glows in the romantic light of the oven (!!).

I also love Pyrex dishes with their glass tops. Pyrex ware is making a big comeback on two fronts: 1. Leftovers are a staple of many frugal kitchens these days and 2. plastic containers are passe in today's green kitchen. Here's a great site that lists Pyrex finds, catalogs all the patterns and is a place to share Pyrex Love.

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